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  1. It can get messy: In the pet industry you’ll have to clean up urine, feces, and vomit. It’s not always a glamorous profession, but we do it for the love of our pets.
  2. There’s a lot of responsibility: While you’re working, you’re responsible for the pets in your care. If something goes wrong, you need to make sure you’re covered with the correct insurance. If you have keys to clients’ homes, then some of them may require you to undergo a CRB check. You need to make sure your business is properly registered, insured and certified (but don’t worry, we’ll help you with that in later lessons).
  3. You’re going it solo: For most petpreneurs, the early years of their business will see them going solo. That means that everything falls on your shoulders, from finance to legal, to marketing, sales, booking and service delivery. You’ll need to make sure you’re equipped to manage it all (which is where Book Your Pet’s business software and membership can help!). In certain pet care roles, you’ll also have to make sure that if you’re unable to fulfill a booked service, for example if you’re pet sitting a client’s dog and you have to leave in an emergency, then you must make sure that you can find someone trustworthy and reliable to cover for you.
  4. Pets are unpredictable: Pets have their own minds, and you must remember that they are animals so you have to understand that your days are not always going to be kisses and cuddles with them. It’s your responsibility to ensure you have all the relevant policies and insurances in place to protect both you and them in the event of unpredicted incidents.
  5. You’ll need to manage your own finances: If managing money isn’t your strongest trait, you might need to seek help when it comes to business finances. Luckily, we have plenty of support modules and resources to help guide you when it comes to this. It’s always wise to also have a backup plan when it comes to money as when you first start out you might make a loss for a short period while you build your client base.