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The first task you’ll need to complete is a competitor analysis. Start by researching the competitors in your area to see what services they currently offer, how much they charge, and what areas they cover.

This will help you spot potential opportunities for your own business, as well as highlighting potential threats from other business owners operating in the same geographic location. Ensure that your research covers the towns and cities nearest to you. 

When looking at competitors carry out a SWOT analysis on their businesses. This means asking yourself what are their Strengths and Weaknesses and then looking at what Opportunities you can see in the market as well as recognizing what Threats they present to your business plans.

When it comes to dog grooming, pet parents are more willing to travel if it means their furry friend will receive the best treatment. This means you can cast your net a little wider than with other pet service businesses. 

You’ll also want to conduct research among the pet parents you intend to offer your services to. Reach out to them on social media, or speak to them in person to find out how much they’re willing to pay for services, how far they’re willing to travel, and what services and quality of care they expect to receive. 

This will help you to build an effective and competitive service offering that will appeal to your target market.